psychedelics Integration and systems coach

Meet your guide

Allia DeAngelis is an accomplished coach at the intersection of organizational systems and psychedelics integration. With a wealth of experience over 25 years in navigating the intricate dynamics of businesses and the profound landscapes of consciousness, she brings a unique and holistic approach to coaching.

Professional Expertise: As a seasoned organizational systems coach, Allia DeAngelis has successfully guided numerous businesses through strategic development, change management, and leadership enhancement. With an acute understanding of complex systems, and empowers organizations to thrive in dynamic environments.

Psychedelics Integration Prowess: Allia holds a profound appreciation for the potential of altered states of consciousness. With a respectful and responsible approach, she supports individuals in harnessing the insights gained from psychedelic experiences for personal and professional growth.

Coaching Philosophy: Ms. DeAngelis believes in the inherent wisdom of both organizational structures and the human mind. The coaching philosophy revolves around fostering synergy between these realms, creating a harmonious balance that propels individuals and organizations toward their fullest potential.

Tailored Coaching Approach: Grounded in empathy and a deep understanding of human and organizational dynamics, Allia tailors coaching experiences to meet the unique needs of clients. Whether navigating organizational challenges or integrating profound psychedelic experiences, she provides a safe and supportive space for exploration and transformation.

Credentials: Allia holds PCC certification thru ICF, Organizational Systems Coaching certification thru CRR Global, and Psychedelics Integration Coaching Certificate thru Vital, and continually engages in ongoing education to stay at the forefront of coaching practices.

Embark on a collaborative journey of self-discovery, organizational excellence, and psychedelic wisdom with Allia. Elevate your consciousness and transform your systems for a future of unparalleled growth and well-being.